Lucy’s Story: Calamity Strikes

(Update: On June 5, 2024 Lucy passed away and is in the arms of Jesus)

June 1

This morning was beautiful just like every other morning had been this week. It was a beautiful start to the gift we were given of a sabbatical by our church. We had an amazing lake cottage in Maine and were simply enjoying life together on our last full day here. We were eating a quick lunch by the lake and the kids decided to try badminton in the front yard. Bethany and I were relaxing in the back when we heard screaming.

Due to a freak accident with a racquet that broke on a downward swing, a sharp piece had entered Lucy’s skull while she was sitting on the sideline and caused catastrophic injury. She was still breathing but unresponsive as I held her with Bethany crying out to God. Bethany went with EMS as I trailed with the kids and we got to a small children’s hospital. They immediately took her by helicopter to Maine Medical Center in Portland. Upon arrival she went right to the operating room where they removed part of her skull to relieve pressure and deal with her injury. She coded, they got her back, and they completed the surgery. In the PICU we are being told that there is a very slim chance she recovers. She is currently intubated, has no brain function but occasionally breaths on her own. We are praying for a miracle but our hearts hurt with incomprehensible pain. I have so many scattered thoughts and memories…

Four weeks ago she asked Bethany how to be with God and be saved. Bethany explained it to her and offered to pray with her, but “Miss Independent” wanted to do it herself. She went to her room and prayed to God to forgive her and that she believed in Jesus death and resurrection. What a gift.

We had family devotions yesterday where she asked to sing “ He Will Hold Me Fast”. She always loved that song.

I just taught on processing grief in the last Adult Bible Class I taught before sabbatical. Am I willing to submit to my own advice? Right now holding her hand I’m not sure, but I want to. I’ve been physically beating my chest asking for faith. I resonate with this quote I referenced in that class…

“Knock and it shall be opened.’ But does knocking mean hammering and kicking the door like a maniac?”
― C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

I had been reading yesterday about phases in our spiritual lives where God shows us something hard and walks with us through it. I observed I have been a bit resistant to this in my journaling. Bethany and I then discussed Job as she finished her Bible reading plan with that book. Yesterday we were discussing how terrifying the book is. It’s even more so now. So gravely terrifying and mysteriously comforting.

I will update this post as I get information. Please pray…

– That God would be pleased to work a miracle and heal Lucy.

– That the enemy would not prey on our children. They are blaming themselves and taking it hard, however they do not yet know how serious it is.

– For our faith. We are hanging on but can’t imagine life without Lucy-goose. We are walking as dependent creatures. Even if God takes her to be with him, she is still precious to her Heavenly Father. We pray his rescue is physical now but know it ultimately comes at the resurrection.

For he will rescue the poor who cry out

and the afflicted who have no helper.13 He will have pity on the poor and helpless

and save the lives of the poor.

14 He will redeem them from oppression and violence,

for their lives are precious in his sight.

Psalm 72:12-14

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