Weekly Liturgy of Green Pond Bible Chapel

[A liturgy is simply an order of service that tells a story that forms and shapes us as we interact with it. CLICK HERE for an explanation on why we use the word "liturgy", why we do more than just sing, and how this is a corporate discipline that shapes us] CLICK HERE for the... Continue Reading →

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New Song Spotlight: Christ Our Wisdom

https://youtu.be/ixLXQz8b4n4?si=Z7J2EoDqjQ43m5c3 26 Think about the circumstances of your call, brothers and sisters. Not many were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were born to a privileged position. 27 But Godchose what the world thinks foolish to shame the wise, and God chosewhat the world thinks weak to shame the strong. 28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, what is regarded as nothing, to set aside what is regarded as something, 29 so that no one can boast in his presence. 30 He is the reason you have a relationship... Continue Reading →

Giving Correction Graciously

Giving correction is difficult for all of us. We often find ourselves leaning towards two different extremes: being conflict avoidant and sugarcoating everything, or diving into conflict and correcting everything we see. Each extreme side of the spectrum has a similar heart condition that over-values control. On the one hand, a “peace faker” may be... Continue Reading →

New Song Spotlight: King of Love

CLICK HERE for video, or check it out on our worship playlist on APPLE MUSIC or SPOTIFY As we journey through the Psalms we see beautiful descriptions of God's care for his people. One of the most memorable is his role of Shepherd and King in Psalm 23. The role of shepherd is so compelling... Continue Reading →

The Road isn’t Home

For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God’s people. For the person who has entered his rest has rested from his own works, just as God did from his. Let us, then, make every effort to enter that rest, so... Continue Reading →

The Pain of Shame

We’re all familiar with pain in various forms; the pain of rejection, the pain of hitting your physical, financial, academic, or emotional limits, the pain of worthlessness, the pain of sin, the pain of scarcity, the pain of abuse, the pain of abandonment. However, we’re often afraid to look underneath the pain to the messages... Continue Reading →

The Pursuit of Safety

How should safety be pursued? Should it be pursued? Can we pursue safety and glorify God? Throughout the past few years during the pandemic we’ve seen Christians both scoff at the idea of safety for the sake of “risking for Christ”, and value it above all else for the sake of “loving our neighbor”. How... Continue Reading →

Renewing Our Controlling Minds

“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 Often we think that renewing our minds simply includes replacing lustful thoughts with pure thoughts, wrong doctrine with right doctrine, or envy... Continue Reading →

Facing Our Reality

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things. Phillipians 4:8 If the past 12 months has taught us anything, it's that life in a fallen world can get tougher, more stressful, and... Continue Reading →

A Final Blessing

One of the greatest benedictions in the scriptures comes at the end of the Epistle to the Hebrews. After a number of dense arguments around the superiority of the New Covenant, a call to hold fast to those promises, warnings for not doing so, and some practical out-workings of those truths, we receive the author’s... Continue Reading →

Devastated by Grace

As we've preached our way through Hebrews I've been reflecting on how it applies to us. The author seeks to convince his readers that the New Covenant is better than the old, but we don't want to hang on to the Old Covenant right? How does the call to let the old go apply to... Continue Reading →

The High Priest As Worship Leader

"Thanks for leading us into God’s presence”, is a comment I’ve received throughout the years as a worship leader. It sounds good at first, and resonates with certain experiences we have during corporate worship. Upon closer reflection however, the description of corporate worship as “entering into God’s presence", or "his throne room” makes too much... Continue Reading →

Rest Amidst the Chaos

2020 What a year huh? No doubt this will be a year for the history books. The medical, financial, and psychological implications of the COVID-19 pandemic will be far reaching. The important conversations about racism should be positive for our nation. But without the proper foundation they’re just as likely to suck us deeper into... Continue Reading →

After Justice Comes Peace

“Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”Amos 5:24 The result of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quiet confidence forever. Isaiah 32:17 There have been cries for justice all over the place this past week. Justice to be served for wrongful killings by police, justice to... Continue Reading →

Coping with Broken Cisterns

Failed Coping Mechanisms When we're confronted with our own insanity we tend to play the blame game right? Blame it on COVID-19, cabin fever, my spouse, my kids, my church, my government. All this is a diversion to avoid the painful reality that often our own idols make us crazy. All the things we task... Continue Reading →

Leaving Quarantine Divided

The church is one body of Christ, and has one Lord, one faith, and shares one new birth into the family of faith as God's children (Eph 4:5). Based on what I've heard and read recently, you wouldn't think that's true of Christians. As this crisis has lengthened, the church has become more and more... Continue Reading →

At Home and Alone

The idea that we may experience loneliness is foreign to us, and maybe even appalling. We think that loneliness is experienced by weak people, needy people, or sulking introverted people who have isolated themselves. The possibility that we could experience such a weak and pathetic state of loneliness never crosses our minds, but maybe we're... Continue Reading →

Wishing Our Mundane Lives Away

This article is about embracing the present. Pastor Ryan wrote an article helping us think about preparing for the future here... I recently took a personality test in a moment of weakness and I saved one of the quotes because it was so funny and true. "Your natural good humor may deteriorate into sarcasm or... Continue Reading →

Stewing and Secluded

"What do you do with the mad that you feel?" It's the opening line to a theologically suspect song crooned by my childhood hero Mr. Rogers (linked only for nostalgic purposes). But we would do well to ask ourselves that question. Many people I talk to during this time have seemed to become more and... Continue Reading →

Good Friday and Easter Resources

Here are a few resources to help you prepare for Good Friday and Easter. Good Friday "Poor Bishop Hooper" is a band that put together an hour long of original music narrating the events of Good Friday called "Golgatha". It's beautiful and moving (in my opinion!) There's a companion booklet with corresponding scripture as well.... Continue Reading →

Living With Fear Part 3: Surrender

Part 1 HEREPart 2 HERE Is There Anything Good in Fear? We are interesting creatures. The habits we often cultivate in our lives drive us nuts and lead to burnout, yet somehow they're also comfortable because they're familiar. We don't know of any other way to act or live unless we are shown another way.... Continue Reading →

The Last Liturgy Standing

All the American rhythms of life we're used to are now drastically different or gone altogether for the time being. The sports cycle, the news cycle, the shopping cycle, not least the daily 9-5 cycle. All of these rhythms are habit forming, and thus soul-forming rituals (read about how habits shape identity here). Our calendars... Continue Reading →

Some Comforting Coronavirus Playlists

Feeling frustrated, scared, and unsure of life? Here's some playlists that bring comfort, exalt Christ, call for love, faith, and courage, and remind us that we are not God but merely human. The Socially-Distanced-but-Spiritually-Close-Community Playlist Some friends and I put this together with the goal of exposing others to some new music while keeping some... Continue Reading →

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