The Road isn’t Home

For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God’s people. For the person who has entered his rest has rested from his own works, just as God did from his. Let us, then, make every effort to enter that rest, so... Continue Reading →

The Pain of Shame

We’re all familiar with pain in various forms; the pain of rejection, the pain of hitting your physical, financial, academic, or emotional limits, the pain of worthlessness, the pain of sin, the pain of scarcity, the pain of abuse, the pain of abandonment. However, we’re often afraid to look underneath the pain to the messages... Continue Reading →

The Pursuit of Safety

How should safety be pursued? Should it be pursued? Can we pursue safety and glorify God? Throughout the past few years during the pandemic we’ve seen Christians both scoff at the idea of safety for the sake of “risking for Christ”, and value it above all else for the sake of “loving our neighbor”. How... Continue Reading →

Coping with Broken Cisterns

Failed Coping Mechanisms When we're confronted with our own insanity we tend to play the blame game right? Blame it on COVID-19, cabin fever, my spouse, my kids, my church, my government. All this is a diversion to avoid the painful reality that often our own idols make us crazy. All the things we task... Continue Reading →

Wishing Our Mundane Lives Away

This article is about embracing the present. Pastor Ryan wrote an article helping us think about preparing for the future here... I recently took a personality test in a moment of weakness and I saved one of the quotes because it was so funny and true. "Your natural good humor may deteriorate into sarcasm or... Continue Reading →

Living With Fear Part 1: Don’t Suppress

Over the next few months, almost everyone on the planet will be coming to terms with their own fears. With each new development in the news cycle, some will be triggered with anxiety and immediately feel panic, some will self-righteously "rise above it", and others will be more afraid of what people think of their... Continue Reading →

Desiring Resurrection Life

Easter is a day where the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is front and center in our prayers, songs, and preaching. This can give a false impression that during the rest of the year we should be emphasizing something else because this is only worth emphasizing once a year. That couldn’t be further from the truth!... Continue Reading →

The Dangers of Awesome Worship

Paul Tripp explains the dangers of idolatry in a talk at a worship conference a few years ago, and I found it quite compelling. You can listen to the whole thing here. He starts out with this phrase..."The danger of idolatry is never more present than in moments of supposed worship." Dang. Let that sink in... Continue Reading →

Worship Workshop at GPBC

Here's the link to the pdf handout Here's the link to the video. This past Saturday the worship teams of HBC, GPBC, and Grace Bible Church of Pompton Plains had a great time discussing the nature of worship, the pitfalls of idolatry, and how to apply what we learned practically on stage. We broke down the following... Continue Reading →

Idolatry as Works-Salvation

In a shocking turn of the tables,  Paul equates idolatry with works righteousness that came from adhering to the Torah.  In Galatians in 4:8-11 it sounds like Paul is rebuking them for paganism, but the context of Galatians suggests its for idolatrous law following... (ESV) Gal 4:8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved... Continue Reading →

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