Lucy Update Day 3: Tears = Food

(Update: On June 5, 2024 Lucy passed away and is in the arms of Jesus)

I ask you to not skip reading this Psalm just to get to the update.

Psa. 42:1    As a deer longs for flowing streams, so I long for you, God. 2 I thirst for God, the living God. When can I come and appear before God? 3 My tears have been my food day and night, while all day long people say to me, “Where is your God?” 4 I remember this as I pour out my heart: how I walked with many, leading the festive procession to the house of God, with joyful and thankful shouts.
Psa. 42:5    Why, my soul, are you so dejected? Why are you in such turmoil? Put your hope in God, for I will still praise him, my Savior and my God. 6 I am deeply depressed; therefore I remember you from the land of Jordan and the peaks of Hermon, from Mount Mizar. 7 Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your billows have swept over me. 8 The LORD will send his faithful love by day; his song will be with me in the night— a prayer to the God of my life.
Psa. 42:9    I will say to God, my rock, “Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go about in sorrow because of the enemy’s oppression?” 10 My adversaries taunt me, as if crushing my bones, while all day long they say to me, “Where is your God?” 11 Why, my soul, are you so dejected? Why are you in such turmoil? Put your hope in God, for I will still praise him, my Savior and my God.

A few things I notice from this Psalm. The Psalmist is lamenting deeply while he cries out in faith. He is depressed and remembers God’s overwhelming love at the same time. He asks God hard (maybe to some it sounds “disrespectful”) questions, and yet still worships him in the end. In my human frailty I often collapse into the “either/or” of these double binds. I’m either worshipping or I’m dejected/doubting. I’m either depressed or remembering God. I’m either grieving or turning my soul towards God. What I’ve realized today is that the Holy Spirit opens my heart’s capacity as I surrender to him. All of these things are possible at the same time. This mystery will continue to be something to explore as we journey through this valley.

Medical Update: June 3
Today was so difficult. Last night was interrupted often with Lucy’s monitor going off as her heart rate soared over 200. Her heart experienced some arrhythmia and I wondered if this would be it. Her electrolytes were way off, as well as her blood pressure. The team amazingly was able to course correct and thread the needle so that by morning she was more stable. However it wasn’t just a “neuro-storm” that she experienced. Throughout the morning she was experiencing both diabetic insipidus and something more rare called cerebral salt wasting simultaneously. I won’t bore you with the details, if you know you know. But the reality is that the pituitary gland in the brain that controls electrolyte function was showing damage. This is one of the “deeper parts” of the brain, showing that her swelling is continuing to cause deeper damage.

This confirms the fear from the beginning. The brain injury was extremely catastrophic. The penetration of the racket shaft was very deep into her brain and caused immediate arterial bleeds (If you’re interested in a medical article around the very rare but deadly results of a faulty badminton racquet you can read here. Just know our situation is way worse than the reported case here due to the location of penetration). I remember holding her in my arms before EMS arrived, and her pupils were unresponsive even then. If she was an adult with the same injury, the neurosurgery team may not have operated due to the appearance of unsurvivability. The significant lack of brain function over the past 48 hours demonstrates this reality that we are utterly devastated by. If there is any good news in this, it’s that she hasn’t felt any pain over the past few days. We will keep waiting on the Lord, getting second opinions, and exhausting every possible avenue while crying out to God for a miracle. However, as of now, our beloved daughter has been showing all the signs of brain death for the past few days. There is a very good chance that she passes away and meets Jesus within 24 hours.

Family/Spiritual Update
My body convulses in typing that last sentance. We begin the day by reading Psalm 23 out loud to Lucy. It was so hard yet so comforting to read the last verse. My poor wife is barely eating (we got some Chick-Fil-A in her). We’re sleeping as best we can and our children are processing as best they can. I feel like I can learn from each of their types of grief. The grief of a mother is unique and gut wrenching to behold as she allows herself to plunge deep into her grief with God. I have so much to learn from her. The kids are all engaging in creativity and are making things for Lucy. We have taught them to only take what they can handle, which involves everything from just standing outside the room to kissing her. Sometimes all they can do is stand from afar, and that’s ok. My four year old’s responses and self-awareness was beautiful to watch. I’m so proud of him. He comes right up to the bed to hold her hand and talk to her. Then he goes to the window to look out at cars and anything else he sees to take a break, then he’ll return. From Shiloh’s creativity and sweet care, to Silas’ kisses and hugs, they each are being taught to understand their limits and to make a choice to grieve as they can. Whether that’s coming right up to her bedside to hold her hand or talk to her, or waiting while they craft something before entering slowly, it’s all welcome. I’ve learned from them to honor my limits as well as provide specific space to engage deeply with my grief where I’m not alone.

Today Bethany and I have processed through some of our regrets in parenting Lucy. In moments like this, they were bound to come up. The only way we can face them and not collapse into despair and shame is applying the gospel. Much of what we regret, especially regarding this situation, was simply human weakness or really nothing that we could have done. Even as we dare to venture back and inventory the past 6 years, we see sin and have confessed that freely to each other and even to Lucy today. We are not perfect, but by God’s grace she is a loving little girl who loves Jesus and loves her family, and God was pleased to use us in nurturing that in her. Because of the gospel we can own that beautiful truth without wrongful pride, while also owning our failures.

One more thing. I talked about fighting yesterday, and many have encouraged us to keep fighting. What are we fighting? I have no control over her physical body, but I can ask God to miraculously intervene against the devastating effects of the fall. This can be done without bargaining or self-inflation. I can wage war against the lies of the enemy that try to infiltrate the minds of my family and myself. By the grace of the Father given through the Spirit, the body of Christ, and his Word, we are fighting.

Please know that the only way I’m sane right now is because of the anchor for my soul that is the unchanging love of God shown in the good news of Jesus Christ. Christ died and was raised for Lucy’s right standing before God. Fellowship with God is all of our deepest need, which allows us to walk by faith in devastating physical trials like this. If you are confused about this or this is new for you, I’d love to talk to you about it or help you find someone to help you. Thank you all for your loving support.

68 thoughts on “Lucy Update Day 3: Tears = Food

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  1. I will continue to pray for beautiful Lucy and her siblings and of course you and Bethany, I pray you feel the presence of the Lord and his light in this horrendously dark time. You are not alone. I continue to pray for a miracle for your Lucy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We continue to pray each and every moment for a miracle for Lucy. Your ability to keep focused on sharing Lucy’s story with us is profound. As a mom and dad of 3 of our own children, I wouldn’t be able to share my thoughts as Biblically as you have done. Your faith is truly an inspiration to all who read! He will hold me fast continues to play through my mind from worship service Sunday. I pray dear Lucy hears that song now and may God continue to hold each one of you securely in his arms. ❤️

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  3. Jesse, praying over your daughter..we know in part, we see in part… but one day we will know in full and our hearts will be healed fully.

    I’m reminded of the boy Aldo who had a serious brain injury and still walks the earth today due to a divine intervention. His whole skull was open and he almost died. You can hear his story from his mom here from 8:20. I pray this ministers to you and Bethany.



  4. Thank you for sharing the raw pain that you are living and yet at the same time being anchored in our unchanging God and His love. Praying fervently here in Italy for a miracle knowing that God makes no mistakes. So thankful for the sweet testimony of Christ’s work in Lucy’s heart.


  5. Standing with you in prayer this morning, we are shoulder to shoulder with you—praying for a miracle and praying for the fortitude of all the hearts of your family and friends as they navigate this trial. We don’t know you but we love you and your family because you are our family in Christ. Praying, praying, praying.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You do not know me but I am praying for Lucy to experience God’s healing miracle, like I saw in the NICU as a 23 yr old atheist. I pray He provides the comfort and discernment for you and your wife as you both navigate this time. I pray for your other children to find comfort in the Lord and their parents. You are doing an amazing job Dad, allowing them to individually handle this tragedy in their own precious ways. I pray for all the doctors and nurses caring for Lucy, for discernment and to provide the best care for her as possible. Your faith is amazing and those nurses and doctors will be impacted by you and your wife and the faith you have during this tragedy. I reflect back when I was 23 young woman who shunned God, the experiences I had as nurse with families and witnessing the miracles of God planted seeds in my faith journey which led me to Jesus when I had a difficult time. Praying for rest and God’s presence for your family. Mel

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  7. If you see this, I am begging you to baptize her in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. That’s the answer to the question she asked you 2 weeks ago.

    Please know that I am praying for your family during this difficult time.


  8. Standing with your family in prayer. I pray for the Lord to comfort you and your family through this difficult time. I pray that the Lord will heal Lucy and that a miracle happens.


  9. Thank you for sharing your deepest pain with us. We continue to pray and watch for God’s answer. We love you, Lucy and your beautiful little family. Know that we are lifting you all up to Abba throughout the day for a miracle. Remember the little girl in scriptures. Talitha Cumi! May Lucy arise and be healed in Jesus name, like she was. ❤


  10. I am a stranger to you. But have been blessed to have been brought in to your circle to pray for sweet Lucy and your family through a friend of your parents. No doubt there are thousands of “strangers” while also being brothers and sisters in the Lord, soaking your family in prayer. I know it is only through God’s strength that you are able to navigate, journal, and share this journey you have been given. It is not the time or place for me to share how your story is impacting me personally because this is not about me. Just know that you sharing how your family is walking out this tragedy is life changing. For many. I am praying continually for God to birth a miracle in Lucy. But even if He chooses another destiny for your little girl, I believe many will come to Him because of her. Shalom.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Jesse and Bethany,

    We are praying without ceasing for Lucy and your entire family.
    You must have such an effective ministry because the enemy wants nothing more to bring you both down through the most trying time in your life. But your faith and testimony is so incredible and only comes from HIM. Thank you for sharing your story with us. God IS and will continue to use it. Please Lord Jesus come and do what only you can do.


  12. Oh Jesse, Ashley and I are weeping with you…..and appreciate your transparency so that we might share even a small fraction of your unfathomable pain. Our hearts are broken, and filled with sorrow for you all.

    Will continue to earnestly plead with our God that He would bring miraculous healing to dear Lucy, and that our Great Burden-Bearer would continue to draw near to you and Bethany, as you already have shared, in a way that only He can, so that you “do not lose heart”….

    Also, we give thanks to the Lord for how, in His grace and providence, He has stirred Lucy, so recently, to saving faith in Christ and made her His own, that you might have some hope to cling to in this dark valley, whatever the Lord brings to pass

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  13. ”There is a patience which I believe to be harder– the patience that can run. To lie down in the time of grief, to be quiet under the stroke of adverse fortune, implies a great strength; but I know of something that implies a strength greater still: It is the power to work under a stroke; to have a great weight at your heart and still to run; to have a deep anguish in your spirit and still perform the daily task. It is a Christ-like thing!” – George Matheson

    May the Lord continue to grant you this greater strength … one minute, one hour, one day at a time.

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  14. Tears are liquid prayers. They are being offered to the throne room of grace by the bucketfuls from all around our Nation. We are weeping. We are praying. May God, who sees all and knows all, bring you and your family comfort, peace, hope, and most importantly, love.


  15. Rock of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee. Let the water and the blood, from Thy wounded side which flowed, be of sin the double cure, save from wrath and make me pure.

    Could my tears forever flow, could my zeal no languor know, these for sin could not atone, Thou must save, and Thou alone. In my hand no price I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.

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  16. Rock of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee. Let the water and the blood, from Thy wounded side which flowed, be of sin the double cure, save from wrath and make me pure.

    Could my tears forever flow, could my zeal no languor know, these for sin could not atone, Thou must save, and Thou alone. In my hand no price I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.


  17. We don’t know each other, but I am a Methodist pastor in Pittsburgh, and a request was submitted to pray for you at our church. I’m the father of a young daughter named Lucy myself, and my heart is breaking reading what you guys are going through. I trust that our God is upholding your beautiful Lucy in His right hand and that Jesus is closer to her at this moment than we can imagine. May God be with you as we continue to pray for a miracle.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I keep wanting to write a message to you but any words I can think of seem shallow right now because I know through experience it feels like inescapable torture. Especially when you have to make room within your own grief to help your children manage it. This is a complete nightmare, every parent’s nightmare and I am so incredibly sorry and heartbroken for you that you all are having to walk through this. It is clear you need to write for sanity and I encourage you to keep doing so.

    I am often convinced that Horatio Spafford was crying out more in desperation and less in declaration when he said “it is well with my soul”. It’s clear that when he wrote “when sorrows like sea billows roll” he knew the overwhelming trauma and physical response. Standing outside of yourself and pleading for yourself to stay faithful no matter the outcome is just about the most reasonable Christian coping mechanism we can muster. Thankfully God knows that we cycle in and out of it and within that He grants us small moments of unexplainable peace. May the Lord be with you all.

    Danette Coski (Close friend of Char and Kristin in ATL)

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  19. Dear Jesse and Bethany,

    Our hearts go out to you in your great grief! Oh how hard all of this is! We want you to know that we are praying earnestly for Lucy, for you two and your children, for Pastor Boys and the entire congregation as you all suffer together! Thank you so very much for those Psalms you used in this update. We see the great reason for those Psalms in times like this! He has even given you words to express your inner thoughts!

    We love you so very much and will be praying that the Lord would be pleased to do a miracle for His glory. And a miracle has already happened as your hearts are trusting our dear Lord and Savior! Only grace can account for this, for you believe both in His sovereignty as well as in His love.

    Please know that in your suffering with Christ, you all are an unspeakable blessing to us all! Indeed to the entire watching world! We are praying that God’s everlasting arms would sustain you, and that His righteous hand would guide you, and that His loving words would feed you, and that His life given at Calvary would revive you!

    I have such fond memories of you faithfully leading our pastors’ meetings, always full of sincerity, joy, biblical hymns and love to Jesus! You have ministered to us in song, and now you and your wife minister to us in life. The things you say, and the ways you say it are full of the Scriptures and full of the Spirit! Thank you! We will be praying earnestly that the Lord manifests His presence so powerfully that you may be able to live in the midst of such trial!!

    With all our love, faith and prayers,

    Johnny and Berry Serafini

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  20. I’m the Operations Director of a large, Christian radio network in the Capital Region of New York, and the host of a daily prayer program called The Prayer Room. We are daily praying for Lucy and your family – believing that NOTHING is impossible for our God. All our love to you.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. ”if you know you know”… my husband and I know. We know the names and the tubes and the tests and the ache and the fear. Praying your faith remains an anchor and a comfort to you. Your Lucy is so beautiful.


  22. My heart grieves for you as the Holy Spirit unites us as family in Him. Praying for that miracle – stretching my faith too. Thank you Lucy.


  23. From the depths of my heart, I cry out for Lucy and your whole family….you have a whole army of prayer warriors standing behind you.


  24. I’m praying for you all. I believe healing is ours, for by His stripes we were healed, and He bore all of our infirmities. As in the Bible, I think each healing is unique. My older and my younger son both have been “miraculously” healed. We need to come into agreement with God’s Word. We need to SPEAK God’s Word, and also there are times to command the enemy away, in Jesus Name, as in command infirmity into the sea in Jesus Name. Becky Dvorak teaches well on Biblical healing. Here is a youtube link you can copy and paste. God bless you. He is with you and for you. <><


  25. I dedicate this Psalm to you that helped me trust in the Lord in the midst of the trial, where God manifested himself in a glorious way in a difficult family moment. Without the help of the Holy Spirit I would not have been able to remember this portion of Scripture when he cried out for mercy to my God and Savior.
    ”I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!“
    ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭27‬:‭13‬-‭14 🥲🙏🏻


  26. I am at a total loss for words but ask and praying for Shalom- God’s authority to our chaos to bring order and peace.

    A friend let me know of your situation. If we can help provide care and support, please let us know.

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  27. Jesse,
    Just wanted to let you know that the Word of Life Bible Institute alumni family is praying for your family. I am from Maine and lived in Southern Maine for 15 years. We have friends and know pastors in the area that would be happy to help in some way. Let me know and I will put them in touch with you. text or call 518.615.4625
    “God has promised never to leave us or forsake us, never to forget, never to abandon. His love never ceases, and His care never dims. If you find yourself in a difficult spot, remember you are there by God’s appointment, in His keeping, under His training, and for His time. And all evidence to the contrary, there is no better place to be.” (From the book Red Sea Rules by Robert J. Morgan)

    Pastor Ken Whitten says that God has never gone back on His word or broken a promise. If He was to back out of a deal it would have been at Calvary. He didn’t then and he won’t let you down now.

    Because of Christ,



  28. We are continuing to pray fervently for your family and spreading the word to as many prayer warriors as we can. Shadows only exist because there is a light somewhere 🙏 Lord Jesus continue to hold this family so closely.


  29. I understand what you are going through having lost a son of two years old.

    God is ever faithful and He will give you a peace that passes understanding.

    My thoughts and prayers for a miracle for Lucy and God’s comfort and grace to surround you and your children.

    Prayers will be lifted up continuously for you all.

    Much love from a sister in Christ.

    Cheryl Morocco

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  30. We are praying constantly for your family, for the doctors and nurses, and for your loved ones as they support you through one day at a time. I keep listening to this song “I will Carry You” by Ellie Holcomb and thinking of you all. We pray you feel God’s presence with you as He carries you and sustains you.

    (The chorus) I will carry you
    Through your darkest night
    When you’re terrified
    I will carry you
    When the waters rise
    When your hope runs dry
    I will carry you

    Up and over the mountains
    Valley deep as the ocean
    When you can’t keep going
    I will shoulder your burdens


  31. We are praying for you and we know you through our dear dear Annie.

    We have Jesus in our house,and have asked for prayer.

    Your writing is brave.

    God Bless All of You


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  32. I don’t know y’all, but my heart is gripped with grief at what you’re going through. My husband and I also have four children and as a mother I often think how would I respond if God took one of them. Thank you for being so honest and allowing us to walk through this trial with you. I’m praying for dear Lucy and Gods protection over her and also for all your dear hearts that God would comfort. May you be like the nightingale, the one bird that sings during the night.


  33. A friend of a friend of a friend shared your family as a prayer request and so in the early hours, here in Wales, I stand with you before the Throne. We have walked the path of hospitals and tubes and knowing God could take our daughter home, and we have also been sustained and upheld by an army of prayer warriors who fought with us. I weep and pray for you as parents, for Lucy’s siblings, and for Lucy herself.


  34. I will pray every day that your beautiful daughter is healed and that our Lord brings strength for your family.


  35. Our ministry, Women Gathered, is praying fervently around the clock. One of our women reached out as she lives near the hospital and is willing to drop off anything you need. Please reach out if we can help. Be assured of our prayers.


  36. This is a time when it’s nearly impossible to not be vulnerable… nonetheless, thank you for being so. My heart and being cries out for you and your family. God is good and able. His grace IS sufficient.


  37. put paths have never crossed as you graduated from CSU a good decade after me. I saw your story shared on their page and am earnestly praying for you all.


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