Lucy Update Day 4-5: Groaning, Double-Guessing, Grace and Gas

June 4-5

On June 4, the morning of the day Lucy was predicted to pass, it was very hard to distinguish the groans and cries I heard from Bethany at 3am that morning from the ones I heard on the morning of September 4 2017 when Bethany birthed Lucy. The pain of a mother in this situation is so incredibly unique, heavy, and frankly awe inspiring to witness. Through our groaning I have been given new eyes to see Romans 8:18-27.

Rom. 8:18    For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us. 19 For the creation eagerly waits with anticipation for God’s sons to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility—not willingly, but because of him who subjected it—in the hope 21 that the creation itself will also be set free from the bondage to decay into the glorious freedom of God’s children. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together with labor pains until now. 23 Not only that, but we ourselves who have the Spirit as the firstfruits—we also groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. 24 Now in this hope we were saved, but hope that is seen is not hope, because who hopes for what he sees? 25 Now if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with patience.
Rom. 8:26    In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

Bethany can feel so deeply and viscerally and unashamedly does so as the Spirit intercedes for her. I am so proud of how she bore this impossible burden these past few days by God’s grace. The only reason we can even still stay sane is the grace he shows to us in brining us this far. We know what he’s done, where he’s brought us, and where he’s bringing us. It’s the path that is unknown and often terrifying. Yet, even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, he is with us.

That dreaded day of Tuesday, June 4 was an absolute blur. After we had woken up crying in agony we got a few more hours sleep. Lots of serious decisions had to be made that day, and I didn’t want to live with guilt the rest of my life. Two other specialists, a neurosurgeon and a neuroscientist who are doing high level work reached out to me through my family/friends to give second/third opinions. They helped me sift through the vast amount of medical advice I was getting hit with from inside and outside the hospital. I cried out to the Lord for clarity and peace, and he very clearly and graciously gave it. I must also take a second to say, the PICU staff at Maine Medical Center in Portland is incredible and did not push any kind of agenda. The gravity of the situation called for more voices, but wasn’t a reflection on the competency and care of the staff at all. I could write for pages about all the beautiful interactions I had with them. Thankfully there was agreement around the prognosis. Given the initial trauma that brought about the global hypoxic brain injury she endured with the severity of the swelling, it was almost certain that she had endured brain death. After significant thorough testing and even more repeated tests to be certain, brain death was declared 1:32am on June 5, and her heart stopped beating around 4am. Lucy was with Jesus.

Like gold at the bottom of a deep dark well, there was and is evidence of God’s grace in this utter tragedy, we just had to be willing to plumb the depths to see it. Having even MORE people following the story, commenting, praying and crying with us can never be understated. 2 Corinthians 1 says starting in verse 4, “He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” This was so incredibly real to us. We are NOT strong in and of ourselves, all the comments we’ve received non-withstanding. We honestly confessed to each other when we got home that we each literally felt the desire to run away from God, to push him away, and to deny his goodness and existence. We literally could not. He held us fast. Speaking of that song, Rachael (Bethany’s younger sister), suggested we sing it all together before the family said goodbye around 10pm. Singing all three verses of “He Will Hold Me Fast” in the hospital room was one of the most beautiful, sacred things I’ve ever been a part of.

There are countless other experiences of God’s grace: seemingly endless Chick-Fil-A, my kids drawing even closer to their aunts and uncles and grandparents and pastors, hospital staff connecting with us relationally and hearing the gospel (by my four year old mostly), the beautiful and incredibly painful opportunity they gave us to lay with her for hours as she passed, a recording by a sweet little girl in Lucy’s class at church singing “He Will Hold Me Fast”, a very good friend coming at the 11th hour to bless us deeply and pray…but where we really needed God’s grace was in going back home. My co-laborer in the gospel Josh and his wife Jamie followed us all the way home from Maine. Every time I looked into the rear view mirror, wishing I saw Lucy munching on some chicken nuggets after we stopped at Wendy’s and only ordered for 5, I saw that car behind me and saw Jesus supporting us through his church. It’s a metaphor for our future as a family. A gaping hole ripped into the fabric of our lives will slowly be mended and healed by the body of Christ, until Christ himself returns to make all things new.

When we got home we arrived to flowers lining our steps and a fridge stocked with food. But entering was the hardest thing. AJ said that this house is “the worst place on earth” and “I want to go back to the hospital with Lucy”. Silas and Shiloh asked how we could ever be happy again. We just sat on the front steps for a while crying until I finally mustered up the courage to open the door. We again collapsed in a pile on the kitchen floor crying harder as a family than we ever have. In that darkness, prompted I believe by the Spirit, I finally asked, “What do you guys think Lucy would want us to be doing?” They thought about it, and said that she’d ask me to play a game on the Apple TV called “Oceanhorn 2”. I pointed out that she’d say it a certain way because of her mispronunciation of “R” as “Oceanhawwwwrn” and they started to laugh. Then AJ suggested she was in heaven asking God to play it and we all had a good laugh at how she used to pronounce her “R” sound. Of course, the most famous of Lucy’s words that feature the letter “R” is the word “fart”. We then commenced a theological discussion about what Lucy’s farts would smell like in heaven. God’s goodness and mercy were following us, even there on the kitchen floor as our pressure cooker of deep grief burst out the release valve into hilarity and joy.

Which leads to the last, probably most important gold nugget of grace found deep in the well of sorrow. I had not been present when Lucy had asked how to “be saved” 2 to 4 weeks ago. Bethany had explained the gospel to her again, but now was doubting and torturing herself since Lucy had confessed it privately in her room. Despite my conviction that she is still young and possibly can’t understand, and that she had the faith of a mustard seed, Bethany still couldn’t shake the fear and doubt. It was then when we opened her backpack and found her prayer journal that Bethany had given her a month ago to the day of her passing (First page is pictured at the top). Here is the first entry. Only read it if you want to cry because you will be wreaked afterwards.

God and Lucy.

It’s almost as if God was writing with her, drawing her to himself. How a six year old journals like this is beyond me. After that, she seemed to get writer’s block and just draw beautiful pictures of Bible stories and hearts. Here are a few of them…

This last picture takes the cake. Shiloh believes it is Mary and Martha crying over Lazarus when he died. The significance of it being the very last thing she drew in the journal cannot be understated. It’s hard to put into words how deeply I feel about it.

One of the elders at our church was reminded of this passage from Matthew 21:15 upon viewing these pictures. “When the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonders that he did and the children shouting in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David! ” they were indignant and said to him, “Do you hear what these children are saying? ” Jesus replied, “Yes, have you never read: You have prepared praise from the mouths of infants and nursing babies? ” This was one of the biggest gifts of grace and mercy God has given us. To see her heart, to know her love for her Savior, and to rejoice in her mustard seed of faith that had begun to bloom was what we needed.

There is so much more to say, scripture to unravel, people to thank, and tears to be cried. Besides possibly posting my wife’s thoughts here after her memorial service (June 15, 11am at Green Pond Bible Chapel. Livestream available at ), I’m not sure when I will revisit this story in this space. The time will come again, but I want to thank you if you have stuck with me to this point. I pray ultimately that you were encouraged in your faith, that you maybe identified some grief you need to look at, and most importantly that you hug your kids more and talk to them about Jesus. We have received so much comfort and support from close loved ones and random people pouring out love. We never asked for this immense trial, but the reports of other children coming to Christ, about neighbors having gospel conversations, and grief being shared helps us continue to walk by faith in this profound pain. Bless you on your journey. He will hold you fast.

73 thoughts on “Lucy Update Day 4-5: Groaning, Double-Guessing, Grace and Gas

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  1. I cannot explain my sorrow for you guys….Every update almost made me cry, but this one succeeded, I know, nothing I can say will make the aching, gut wrenching pain, go away, but I do know that God has a purpose for everything, and he will be right there alongside you guys forever and ever listing to your cries for help against the aching pain and sadness that threatens to overflow… I’ll be praying for your family 🙏 Lucy looked like such a sweet, bright, happy little girl. I’m sure she brought happiness to so many people🥹❤️

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  2. Sorry for your loss brother.

    Praying that you and your family be swept up with a mighty and undeniable sense of God’s love, presence, peace, joy, and that Jesus pray for you that your faith will fail not. In Christ name.

    “Tears of compassion well become Christians, and make them most to resemble Christ. It is a relief to those who are in sorrow to have their friends sympathize with them, especially such a friend as their Lord Jesus.”

    – Matthew Henry

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  3. Dear Bethany and Jesse: We love you all and are sending continued prayers for all of you. Praising God with you for the beautiful reassurances God has given you in Lucy’s little journal. Thinking of the Lord’s words “Let the little children come unto Me and do not hinder them for to such as these belongs the kingdom of God.” We love you and are continuing to pray, thanking God that even this hard first step of coming home has been covered by His Grace. We are praying that His Grace will continue to fill your home and uphold you. Love, Michele and Charlie.

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  4. I am so very sorry to hear of Lucy’s passing; how indescribably traumatic for you all. I can well imagine, being no stranger to grief myself. I will be praying for your family…the Lord has got you all.

    ’The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms’.

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  5. Jesse & Bethany, what heart-wrenching grief that you are enduring, and yet your description of the family crying and then laughing together over the simple joys that Lucy has brought you all gives us a picture of what only Christ can do through the hardest trials. The beautiful gift of what you found in Lucy’s backpack brings tears and joy. Your kids and their responses through this time show how you as parents have instilled in them who God is and how much He loves them.

    Grief is paralyzing, but knowing that Jesus walks with us through it allows us to cling to Him and cry out to Him with all of our heartache, pain and questions. We are upholding you in prayer from across the ocean.

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  6. Thank you Jesse for pouring your heart out with the Help and Strength of the Holy Spirit. Your utter Transparency is deeply moving and inspiring I believe all you read your blog to look deeper into ourselves on so many levels. Your precious family is Home now some in the familiar and one in her Glorious! Only God can make that truth beautiful. Tears come for the Lucy we had not met but brought to life through these words. Thank you for unselfishly sharing and pouring out these scriptures and life and eternal Hope for those who may not know Him yet. People around the world are continuing to pray…. A sister in the Lord Christine in Scotland is praying too. God is Good. May God continue to bless and carry you through these days ahead. Praying in Gettysburg, Alexandra & George Escalera

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  7. Your story has blessed me and broken my heart. I’m weeping this morning as I read your testimony .

    I can see how the Lord will use you and is using you so much more greatly for His Kingdom….. though the cost to make you more useful is almost unbearable.

    I’m praying for you, Bethany and the children and that the Lord would grant you the strength and grace needed to make it through these dark waters…. that He would bring you to the other side with great peace and a deep joy in the midst of this sorrow.

    Stepping Heavenward by Elisabeth Prentiss is my favorite book next to the Bible and in this novel based much on her life… she loses a 4 year old and writes of the grief. It might be of some help to you.

    She wrote my favorite hymn as well:

    1 More love to Thee, O Christ, More love to Thee! Hear Thou the prayer I make On bended knee; This is my earnest plea: More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee!

    2 Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest; Now Thee alone I seek, Give what is best; This all my prayer shall be: More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee!

    3 Then shall my latest breath Whisper Thy praise; This be the parting cry My heart shall raise; This still its prayer shall be: More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee!

    Another favorite hymn:

    John Newton’s I Asked The Lord

    I asked the Lord that I might grow In faith, and love, and every grace; Might more of His salvation know, And seek, more earnestly, His face.

    ‘Twas He who taught me thus to pray, And He, I trust, has answered prayer! But it has been in such a way, As almost drove me to despair.

    I hoped that in some favored hour, At once He’d answer my request; And by His love’s constraining pow’r, Subdue my sins, and give me rest.

    Instead of this, He made me feel The hidden evils of my heart; And let the angry pow’rs of hell Assault my soul in every part.

    Yea more, with His own hand He seemed Intent to aggravate my woe; Crossed all the fair designs I schemed, Blasted my gourds, and laid me low.

    Lord, why is this, I trembling cried, Wilt thou pursue thy worm to death? “‘Tis in this way, the Lord replied, I answer prayer for grace and faith.

    These inward trials I employ, From self, and pride, to set thee free; And break thy schemes of earthly joy,

    That thou may’st find thy all in Me.” I just wanted you to know that strangers are hearing your story and lifting you up… I’m praying and crying with you here in South Florida.😢💔😭

    Your sister in the Lord, Kelly Smith

    [My husband is a pastor of a Reformed Baptist Church in Coconut Creek]

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  8. I have been praying and weeping alongside you just as many did for me as I sat beside my son’s hospital bed 3.5 years ago in a similar situation. We also sang He will Hold me fast at our son Jude’s funeral. He will hold you fast and His goodness will follow you all the days of your life. Come Lord Jesus, come.

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  9. Dear Bethany and family,

    I am deeply saddened to hear about the loss of your beautiful daughter, Lucy. Though I did not have the privilege of knowing her or your family personally, I have always admired your radiant smile, joy, love for Jesus, and generous heart from our time together at Women At The Cross. 

    In my recent struggles with a pending divorce, I have found my pain to be consuming, but learning of your heartbreak has brought a profound perspective. I pray for God’s comfort and peace to surround you and your family during this unimaginably difficult time. As it says in Psalm 34:18, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” May His presence be your refuge and strength.

    With deepest sympathy,

    Eve Riccio-Olson

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  10. Jesse,

    The fact that you are able to write this and share these precious family moments with all of us at such a time is the ultimate testimony of God’s tangible presence and love ALL through you and your family’s hearts and souls…. What a witness of loving hearts for your community to allow us to be a part of this difficult journey, to be aware of the development of Lucy’s situation and to be there for you all.

    As a person who had to go through a few what felt at the time as utterly debilitating losses in my life, I know how surreal this state can be, when in a instant without a warning your whole world shatters into a million pieces and you quickly realize your own humanity and fragility, and the fact that this thing that blew your whole existence up is way bigger than anything you can control or change…But there is One Who takes these pieces and not only puts them back together but makes it even more beautiful and precious than the original. I know this because He did this for me, and my family, and He will for you and your family in more way you can possibly imagine. I pray He sustains you, Beth, your children and the rest of your physical and spiritual family in this “in between” moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day…. He is more than able.


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  11. My heart is aching for all of you. I know the Lord will carry you but that doesn’t stop the awful agonizing pain. Your journey reminds me of the Chapman family’s journey- MaryBeth Chapman beautifully shares her painful journey after their daughter went to be with the Lord also following a tragic accident- her book is called “Choosing to see”, when ready it may be of help in your journey- especially for Bethany.

    As MaryBeth does in her book, I thank you for your raw, beautiful honesty- for sharing your deepest darkest moments and continuing to praise Him in this horrible storm. 

    I pray you continue to feel the prayers of so many lifting you up – praying for you and your family especially when you just can’t find the strength and ability to pray for yourselves. May you feel the power of the family of Christ lifting you.

    I’m currently hosting a support group for moms in the same valley as Bethany – praying for all of their deeply broken hearts. 

    May you all feel the loving arms of Our Father holding you tightly and may He continue to cover you with His grace and love.

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  12. I am so deeply saddened for your family and loss of your beautiful Lucy. I am crying tears of sadness with every word you write. The incredible pain you must be enduring is not something I can even comprehend. May God continue you hold you and family tight and bring you to comfort somewhere through this tragic event and immense pain. It is clear that Lucy is with Jesus and we know she is free in God’s love. Hugs to the whole family.

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  13. As I have read and followed the details and updates about you all, I have imagined the moment she entered the eternal realm, and saw our Lord face to face. In my mind’s eye, I see Him and her beaming with wide smiles. He may have said “Hi Lucy. Do you know who I am?” She may have replied “Yes.” His response, “How do you know who I am?” Her answer, “My mommy and daddy told me.” “I know, I was in the room and I was watching and listening. I’m so glad that you asked me to live in your heart. Who told you what to say when you wanted to ask me to do that?” “Mommy.” “Your mommy is very special, isn’t she?” “Yes! I love her a lot!” “I do too! Do you miss her?” “Yes, and daddy and AJ and Silas and Shiloh too.” “I know. I missed my Daddy when I spent some time away from Him too. But don’t be sad. Do you want to stay here with me now? I think you will really like it here. I have so many things to show you.” “Yes. When will mommy and daddy and AJ and Silas and Shiloh be here?” “My precious child, when they get here it will feel like they were always here.” “Will they be sad while they wait to come here?” “Yes, but I will go see them every time they feel sad, then they will feel better for a while. They have always wanted to come here to live with me, but now they want to even more. While they are waiting to come here, I have some things for them to do there. I also have some things to do here, to get ready for them to come here. You can watch me make their houses that they will live in when they get here.” “Can I help you make their houses?” “Of course! We can start right now.” “OK!”, as she runs toward the construction site.

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  14. Thank you for letting us in to yours, and especially here, Bethany’s grief and pain. Ashley and I feel this deeply from afar, are weeping with you bitterly, and admire your yielding to the Lord amidst your weakness and incomprehensible sorrow. “He Will Hold Me Fast” will forever take on new meaning for our family as we’ve re-taught it to our children this week in honor of Lucy.

    “A gaping hole ripped into the fabric of our lives will slowly be mended and healed by the body of Christ, until Christ himself returns to make all things new.”

    While there is no replacing sweet Lucy, we pray that God, through His Spirit, gives Himself to you in greater degrees than you have ever experienced (through and in addition to His body, as you said so well) and draw you all deeper and deeper into the refuge of His bosom, in a way that might somehow fill that hole that’s been left “with all the fullness of God“.

    “On the road that You walked
    With the weight of the cross
    All my pain and my sorrow You held
    So to You I shall hold
    You redeem every loss
    For my Lord You have given Yourself

    Bless the Lord, for He gives me Himself
    Bless the Lord, for He gives me Himself
    And if I should remain in the valley today
    Bless the Lord, for He gives me Himself

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  15. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

    I cannot imagine you and your family’s pain. You are being prayed for.

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  16. Bethany (& your whole family)

    The pain and grief you all are experiencing is beyond words but know that I have not stopped praying for all of you from the first time you sent the text to our R-Group about Lucy. When I put the word out on my facebook page the response was overwhelming. Because of what happened I was able to spend practically an entire day talking about the Lord with my paralegal (who I have know since she was 8). She does not believe in a loving God but this opened up a big door. I thought you would like to know that. I will continue to keep you and your family held up in prayer. Love and Blessings to you

    Lorraine (your R-Group prayer warrior)

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  17. Hi from a sister in Texas. I came across Lucy’s story by chance on Facebook and have followed and prayed through your harrowing days in the hospital. I’m so sorry for your profound loss. Thank you for glorifying our Lord and Savior as you walk through this valley that would be impossible without Him. I am continuing to pray for your precious family. Glory to God.

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  18. Dear Jesse and Bethany, I am so very sorry for your deep, deep loss. I’m not sure how I came across your blog- maybe on twitter as Beth Moore had responded. I also lost a sister to a freak traumatic brain injury and witnessed my mom and dad endure the pain that you’re enduring. Maybe you are familiar with Dr. Jarvis Williams who now teaches at Southern Seminary. He is part of that story as it played a role in his coming to the Christian faith. I wish I had words of solace but there aren’t any, I don’t think, right now any ways. I do believe that it helps just to know there are others who have also walked a similar path and faced what you’re facing. My mom contributed a chapter to a book years ago after the death of my sister entitled “Children of the Dome”. I would be happy to send you her chapter if you like maybe sometime in the weeks ahead.

    Praying deeply for your family.

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  19. May God surround you with his love and mercy. God will never leave you stranded. I believe with my whole heart that Jesus has Lucy by his side, and they are discussing her journal and how wonderful it is. As grownups we get to theologically wrap-up and forget the simplicity of childlike faith. Jesus said to the disciples “let the little children come unto me for such is the kingdom of God.” (paraphrased).God will walk you through this part of your journey, it is rough, terrible, and totally illogical, But God will lead you and hold you and your family fast. You have my prayers.

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  20. Dear Morgan family,

    We are deeply grieved all across the world by your words. I know a similiar grief. The love I had transformed powerfully therafter and the love for your daughter will be awash over all people and God’s earth in your life. I love people in my path compassionately bc I know that someone loves them as much as I love my brother, and he is there. They are deeply worthy in the eyes of another, a reflection of the love of God has with His son, for us. Steeped in wisdom and grace, gentleness and kindness.

    This is true through the blessing of God’s earth around me as well. The love is like an energy that runs through all living creation and beauty surrounds you in all things.


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  21. Sometimes it is a mercy that we don’t know what’s coming next. Thank you for sharing your family & your faith with all of us on the internet. Haven’t met you – we share a common friend – but I’ve been praying and following along all week. I’m thankful you have those vacation pictures, the journal & the memories. Those are all true, too, just like the overwhelming grief is right now. Will continue to pray for your family in the time to come. It will be hard; you will never “get over it;” you will all see her again one day. Blessings, brothers & sisters in Christ.

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  22. Dear Morgan Family,

    We are deeply sorry for your loss, and the pain you are going through.

    We have been praying the Lord would hem you all in, behind and before. We are so grateful for His faithfulness!

    Thank you for allowing all of us to enter in with your dear family at this most difficult time. What you shared about Lucy and her love for Jesus is beyond beautiful, and a gift to be treasured.

    We will continue lift you all up in prayer, trusting Jesus is holding you every moment of the way.

    ”The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deut. 33:27a

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  23. C.S. Lewis wrote, “I did not know that grief would feel so much like fear, but I also didn’t know how comfort would carry me.”  Bob Goff says “Grief is love with no place to go.” And Jennifer Rothschild says in her 4:13 podcast about losing her father, ” I was afraid that I’d never feel comfort that was greater than my sorrow. I thought that his absence in my life would be a hole that I would fall into and never find a way out of. Yet, I realize now that if I had even had a glimpse of the kind of comfort that God would give me, I would have had no fear. And so here’s what I want you to know today. God’s comfort does not erase my grief. It does not. God’s comfort does not erase my grief. But it absorbs it. His comfort doesn’t make my sorrow less, but it makes my capacity to face it greater. And the same is true for you. God’s comfort helps us walk through grief and sorrow. Praying for you!

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  24. I am deeply saddened to hear about the loss of your beloved daughter. Words seem insufficient to express the sorrow I feel for you during this incredibly difficult time. In moments of such profound grief, the wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita can offer some solace and understanding. Here are a few passages that I hope will bring you comfort and peace:

    “Just as the boyhood, youth, and old age come to the embodied Soul in this body, in the same manner, is the attaining of another body; the wise man is not deluded at that.” (Bhagavad Gita 2.13)

    “For the soul, there is neither birth nor death at any time. The soul has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. The soul is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, and primeval. It is not slain when the body is slain.” (Bhagavad Gita 2.20)

    “The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind. This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble and can be neither burned nor dried. He is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable, immovable, and eternally the same.” (Bhagavad Gita 2.23-24)

    “For one who has taken birth, death is certain; and for one who is dead, birth is certain. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge of your duty, you should not lament.” (Bhagavad Gita 2.27)

    These verses remind us of the eternal nature of the soul and the cyclical journey of life and death. Your daughter’s spirit continues to exist, untouched by the physical changes of this world. May you find strength and peace in these truths.

    With deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences,


    I hope this brings some measure of comfort to your friend during this challenging time.

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  25. Jesse and Bethany,

    Words can not describe how in awe I am of God and how he provides for you during your suffering, especially in the example of Lucy’s drawings. Those pictures are such a precious gift from God. Through them you can see not only the evidence of her faith and her love of Jesus but also so many truths and promises of our Lord….He is Amazing! He is the true God. He is our Savior! His death covers our sins. God loves us so much. He tells us to not be afraid….to trust Him and to not doubt….He weeps with us, He grieves with us. He has compassion for our human pain and suffering. Through Jesus we can have eternal life. Jesus is the resurrection and the life! But the most amazing thing is how Jesus is speaking specifically to you and your family through her pictures. He is bringing reassurance to you that Lucy knew Jesus and loved him. He is telling you how much he loves your precious family, displayed in the six hearts and how despite the pain He will hold you together. When you face the deep valley and severe storms in your grief…..He holds your hand and says, ” It is I; do not be afraid.” And when, in despair, you take your eyes off of Jesus, see the storm around you and are tempted to doubt…He is right there to grab you with his hand and save you. And finally, He cries, weeps and mourns with you over the death of Lucy’s earthly life……But reminds you that Lucy has eternal life……that there is living hope through the resurrection of Jesus! 1 Peter 1: 1-9. As Lucy so sweetly wrote, ” God is amazing and he is so amazing”

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  26. I cannot comprehend the pain that you and your family is going through. I have nothing but my full prayers, and wish I could give you and your family a hug in person. I am so, so, so sorry for your loss.


  27. Thank you, Jesse. I am moved so deeply. You have taken up the opportunity to share and express yourself and that in and of itself is highly unusual and so very special. I treasure this as a recipient of it all. I have and will continue to call upon our Lord on your behalf. Lucy’s story is so horrible and yet beautiful at the exact same time. God has blessed you to be able to tell it. Many years ago, I lost my younger brother, Timmy in a terrible accident and my parents held on to God in such a fierce way…in such a faithful way for the rest of their lives. As a young teen at that time, I am confident that their example was crucial to my own faith. Your experience has brought so much of this rushing back to my heart and mind. I an inspired anew by you and Bethany and want you to know that. Your friend, Matt

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  28. Your family has joined a club that you never wanted to join and now as you are processing your heart being torn apart, you are hearing stories of deep heartache from others. You don’t know me and I will spare you all details, but we lost our son, Judah, 10 years ago on July 3. I am not on here to tell you my story of loss, but I want to answer your children’s question of, “How can we be happy again” and your question will I ever wake up happy again? The answer to both of those questions is “yes, I don’t humanly know how, but through the grace of God, he has restored our family’s joy, and given us a deeper love and appreciation for each other. When he first died, the dreams I had from my other kids seemed to die with him. I couldn’t ever imagine us happy again, but as God took Judah by the hand, he has in HIS strength, taken my other children by the hand too. He led them, protected them, and guided them, in times I was completely incapable of doing so. The name Judah means “this time I will praise the Lord,” and in that first year after he died, when the pain was so unbearable, I thought I would die, I modeled praising the Lord to my children. The Bible says, enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise, and when you only want to disappear I encourage you to turn on a worship song and sing and usher your children into the presence of the one who knew each of their days, even before they were formed. I will be praying for you all.

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  29. Thank you for sharing with us through your unimaginable pain. May Jesus walk beside you and comfort you as you travel on to what He has prepared for you. In Christian love for your family.


  30. This is so tragic. I came across your story on the internet. I don’t know you or anybody in your circle, actually I’m in Australia. But I know how you must feel, having lost my own daughter (she was 12) a couple of years ago, there is nothing quite like that tragic foreboding sense of loss and grief.

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  31. You’re all in my prayers & thoughts, my tears flow freely for your loss; though Lucy is home with her “Daddy”. May the Lord love on you all, so liberally & in a prolonged, peaceful, way, across these coming months.


  32. My words are feeble beside yours but please know that this journey God has called you to is already bearing eternal fruit. As I wrote recently, God does not command us to understand but He does command us to trust. Thank you for doing that in this unimaginable pain and loss. Praying for all of you.

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  33. I read about your family situation in a Hong Kong social media. Then I searched about your blog and read through what had your family gone through pass few is heart breaking and I felt led to let you and your family know you have someone in HK praying for you all in this difficult times.

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  34. This is so.. tragic yet peaceful. I’m a parent who lost a child to a fluke accident. I know the grief that you are in and will endure in the future. I just wanted to let you know that my heart is with your family today.


  35. I was sitting by a lake on vacation with my extended family when my brother read your initial post about Lucy. This was our 8th trip with 25+ family members after the sudden and unexpected death of my three month old nephew when we found him not breathing at a family gathering. As my brother read about Lucy’s horrific accident inwardly I was screaming, “NO! NO!” I could hardly bear to hear what you and your family were enduring and I cried out to the Lord on behalf of Lucy and your family. I’ve prayed for you repeatedly over the last week.

    As much as it pained me to read your story, I continued to look for updates and read each one as I wept. It was all too familiar. The guttural groans, the bedside vigil, pleading, tears for food, unimaginable pain and loss. I remember my brother telling our kids as we prayed and sang to the Lord surrounding Keegan’s little body in the hospital room, “No matter what, God is good!” Your raw, honest grief expressed beautifully through these words is horrific and holy. As much as I hate that you’re walking this road, I’m thankful for the words of hope and truth you’re sharing with everyone.

    I pray that your family, friends, and church family continue to serve you with the ministry of presence in the coming days, weeks, months, and years. I am confident that the Lord will keep you and your family from falling. He will sustain your faith through the wrestling, the questions, the depths of your grief. My cry repeatedly in the early months of our loss was “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!”

    As a mother of three daughters, my heart is broken for your wife Bethany. Words are inadequate. May the Lord comfort her as only He can. I am praying for your children. The Lord will ultimately work this together for their good, even if that seems counterintuitive. Lucy’s life and death are not wasted.

    Twelve cousins ages infant to 17 were present when my brother discovered his lifeless baby boy. They were all eyewitnesses to the trauma. We never would have chosen this road as I know you wouldn’t have either. Even so, seven years later, I can tell you that the Lord will carry you all. He is faithful! (I remember wrestling through what the even means together with my brother and sister-in-law). Every song sung in worship, I heard with new ears and questioned if I really believed those words. The Lord can handle your questions. The psalmist beautifully gives voice to our every emotion. You will be able to breathe again without gasping in excruciating pain. The road is long and you will never be the same, which is both horrible and wonderful.

    I know my words are inadequate but I wanted you to know that as you and your family “walk through the valley of the shadow of death” your Savior will not leave you or forsake you. He will be with you and will sustain you.
    Lucy’s journal entries are priceless treasures, especially the last one which reminds us that Jesus wept when Lazarus died. He knows our grief. He understands our frailty and human weakness. May His incarnation and resurrection become more beautiful to each of you. She is alive and with the Lord. May that comfort you and your family. I’m praying for you.

    ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4

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  36. Dear brothers,

    May the Lord give you much encouragement and comfort in this afflictive providence.

    Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take; The clouds ye so much dreadAre big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. . .Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face.

    —William Cowper

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  37. I’m so, so sorry for the loss of your sweet Lucy. Just reading your words shows how deeply she was loved & treasured. My heart aches for you, and I’ll be praying the Lord hold you & your family close in the days/weeks/months to come.


  38. Jesse, my heart aches with you. Christ was described by the prophet Isaiah as “a man of sorrows… acquainted with grief.” I lost my daughter McKenna unexpectedly, she was just 19 years old, just weeks ago. While I know we are both striving to follow Christ’s example and live His teachings, I am truly sorry that we are both going through this period of sorrow and becoming more well acquainted grief. I wish I could tell you that the weeks ahead will get easier. Unfortunately they won’t. Continue to Hold Fast to your faith… you will need it when things are their darkest. Do everything you can to support your dear Wife… she will need every tenderness you are capable of. Talk to your other children… a lot. Understand that their grief process will be very different from what you and your Wife will experience. I’m glad you are part of a strong faith community… you will need that but understand that eventually life will go back to normal for them and all the attention and support will diminish. Plan ahead for this. Most of all… know that you are never alone. You will have tender mercies from sources both seen and unseen. No pressure… if you ever need to talk to another Father who’s also grieving the loss of a daughter… I’m willing to talk. Disclaimer: I’m still figuring this out as I go. I definitely don’t have all the answers.

    Praying for you and your beautiful family.

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  39. Brother and sister in Jesus, you will see Lucy again, and when you do, it will be as if only a few moments have passed. Such it will be when the curtain between time and eternity is torn. Our Lord defeated death. We just have to wait for that moment.

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  40. Lucy just ministered to me in a most profound way, through your words and your family’s grief. I’m drawing nearer to Christ and reaching out to connect with a local church because of the grief I’m experiencing. My husband is 100% disabled veteran with advanced dementia. We moved to the country and never connected with a church. However, I could feel the tug of the Holy Spirit and knew I needed a church family, a church home to be with like-minded Christians. I have slowly grieved the loss of my husband as the dementia takes his mind, little by little. However, I have connected with a church and have started to dig into The Word. Your scriptures, faith, testimony of your sweet family, has given me words and shown me that through Christ all things are possible. I pray for your family as you navigate life as a family of 5 and as you approach sweet Lucy’s memorial service. I’m just not sure how the unsaved can navigate life without Christ in it.

    In Jesus Name….Amen

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